captcha not working on mobile


Title: "Captcha Not Working on Mobile? Here's What You Can Do"


Captchas are a crucial security measure used on websites to verify that users are human and not bots. However, sometimes users encounter issues with captchas not functioning correctly on mobile devices. If you've faced this frustrating problem, don't worry; we've got you covered. In this article, we'll explore some common reasons why captchas may not be working on mobile and provide practical solutions to resolve the issue.

1. Check Your Internet Connection:

A stable internet connection is vital for proper captcha functionality. Slow or intermittent connections might prevent captchas from loading or registering your input correctly. Ensure you have a strong Wi-Fi signal or sufficient mobile data coverage to eliminate this potential problem.

2. Update Your Mobile Browser:

Outdated mobile browsers may struggle to handle modern captcha scripts effectively. Update your browser to the latest version to ensure compatibility with the website's captcha system. Popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari frequently release updates that address bugs and improve performance.

3. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies:

Cached data or corrupted cookies can interfere with captcha operations. By clearing your browser's cache and cookies, you can refresh the website and give the captcha a clean slate to work properly.

4. Disable VPN or Proxy Services:

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and proxy servers can sometimes trigger captcha failures, as they may make it appear as if multiple requests are originating from the same IP address. Temporarily disable any VPN or proxy services before attempting to solve captchas.

5. Enable JavaScript and Cookies:

Many captchas rely on JavaScript and cookies to function correctly. Ensure these features are enabled in your mobile browser's settings to avoid potential conflicts.

6. Check for Third-Party Extensions:

Browser extensions can sometimes interfere with captchas. Disable any third-party extensions or add-ons, especially those related to ad-blocking or security, and try again.

7. Try a Different Browser:

If the captcha issue persists, try using a different mobile browser. Some websites may have better compatibility with specific browsers, so experimenting with alternatives could be the key to solving the problem.

8. Contact the Website Support:

If you've tried all the above steps and the captcha problem still persists, it might be an issue on the website's end. Reach out to their support team or webmaster to report the problem. Provide them with details about your device, browser, and the specific captcha you encountered.


Captcha issues on mobile devices can be frustrating, but with the troubleshooting steps provided above, you can often resolve the problem and continue using the website securely. Remember to maintain your mobile device and browser updated, as well as follow best practices for smooth captcha experiences. If the problem persists, don't hesitate to seek assistance from the website's support team.